Abundant Life Christian Academy (We accept state-wide enrollments.) PO Box 1969 Pell City, AL 35215 Phone: (205)763-2600 or (205)516-0016 Contact: Kristi Stapler E-mail: ALFFKristi@gmail.com Tuition: $25 one-time enrollment fee and $75 annual tuition per family; $10 per high school student (includes free access to online records reporting) Requirements: 165 days attendance reported; grades for high schoolers; 2 meetings per year if you live in the area Services: legal homeschool "covering"; transcripts; coop classes twice monthly; monthly field trips and/or "fun days"; testing; curriculum counseling and placement help; how-to workshops; and lots more! Alabama Hope Academy 235 Cove Road Mentone Al 35984 Phone: (256) 418-4125 Contact: Deb Eberhart, Administrator E-mail: info@alabamahomeschool.org Website: http://www.alabamahomeschool.org Services: Fill out enrollment forms. Pay one time enrollment fee that covers entire family (1-12 children). Required 140 days of school per year. Record attendance,keep record,turn in to Hope Academy at end of school year. Alabama Homeschool Academy (state-wide organization based in central Alabama) 377 Chapelake Drive Ragland, AL 35131 Phone: (205) 472-3087 Contact: Sonya Bowman, Director E-mail: ALHomeschool@AOL.com Tuition: $25 enrollment fee, $180 per year payable in 9 or 12 month payments Requirements: Grades & Lesson plans turned in quarterly. Services: Legal coverage,co-op, activities and field trips offered, monthly newsletter, records and transcripts, coordinators help and support, diploma plan, and prayer support. Alabama United Academy, AL.U. Academy Phone: (205) 485-8405 E-mail: alu_academy@yahoo.com Contact: Jan Carroll Tuition: $30 year per family, $40 one time enrollment fee Services: Legal coverage, activities, field trips, support group, web site. Anniston Christian Academy 3230 Coleman Rd. Anniston, AL 36207 Phone: (256) 835-9696 E-mail: abc@mci.net Contact: Bob and Mary Ann St. John, Administrators Tuition: Registration fee of $25 and monthly tuition fee of $15 or $150/year for family Services: Administrative Record Keeping for transcripts, diploma, and college entrance, Stanford Achievement Test Administered, Home School Resources and Video Classes, Home School Activities and Field Trips, Teacher/Family Support Meetings, Home School Conferences, National Beta Club Chapter Misc Info: Member of ACEA (Alabama Christian Education Association), Member of CHEF (Christian Home Education Fellowship of Alabama), Holding to the Fundamental Doctrines of the Evangelical Faith Asbury School 980 Hughes Road Madison, AL 35758 Phone: (256) 722-0015 Contact: Rebecca Gruber Atmore Christian School Phone: (251) 368-1275 Contact: Anthony & Debbie Swartzendruber E-mail: swartzen@frontiernet.net Ashville Road Family Christian School Ashville Church of Christ 1260 Ashville Rd NE Leeds, AL 35094 E-mail: chulavistabk@earthlink.net Calvary Bible Christian School Phone: (256) 859-4125 Contact: Bob Glascock, director Requirements: Must be a member of Calvary Bible Church Calvary School PO Box 672 Madison, AL 35758 Phone: (256) 922-0779 Fax: (256) 971-2224 Contact: Carla Floyd, Administrator E-mail: carlafloyd@calvary-school.org Web Site: http://www.calvary-school.org Tuition: $150.00 before August 15, $200.00 after August 15, Per family per year. Requirements: Enrollment Forms, Attendance Records. Services: Legal Cover, records, transcripts, High School Diploma, monthly newsletter which includes: 2 monthly field trip, 1 monthly activity, other information about activities open to the public, news about the School and Homeschooling. Based in Madison but covering the entire state. HSLDA NOT required. Central Christian School 17395 Highway 104 W. Robertsdale, AL 36567 Phone: (334) 947-5043 Contact: Catherine Shelton Christian Fellowship Academy 135 County Road 972 Cullman, AL. 35057 Phone: (256) 747-1704 Office hours: Please call anytime (Except on Sunday) Contact: Jaime Clapp, Administrator E-mail: admin@christianfellowshipacademy.org Web Site: http://christianfellowshipacademy.org Tuition: $100 for new members & $75.00 for returning members. Fees per family, not per child. Requirements: Report attendance once a year. At least 180 days of Attendance. Statement of Faith & HSLDA Not Required, but please remember we are a ministry for Christian families. Services: Information to find support local groups. Transcripts & Diplomas (If requested). We also provide encouragement to our members. Mission Statement: A ministry to inform & encourage Christian families to educate children from a Christian worldview and for fellowship with like minded families. A yahoo group was started by the administrator of Christian Fellowship Academy. It is open to anyone in our cover school. It is for fellowship. And they are free to post any homeschool items you have for sale, questions you may have, or anything else pertaining to homeschooling. Christian Fellowship School PO Box37 Loachapoka, AL36865 Phone: (334) 821-6139 E-mail: cfschool@yahoo.com Fees: $35 registration, $20 yearly for k-8, $30 yearly for 9-12 General Statement of Faith. HSLDA not required. This school located near Auburn/Opelika. Christian Life Center Church Academy P.O. Box 219 Centre, Alabama 35960 Phone: (256) 927-4050 Contact: Cindy Kohl, Administrator Fax: (256) 927-7048 Email: clcca@tds.net Web Site: www.clccahomeedu.com Requirements: Attendance of 160 days per year, attendance and report cards due every nine weeks, Bible class, willingness to follow school guidelines, attend required yearly orientation meeting at beginning of school year. We do not require HSLDA membership, signed statement of faith, or church membership. Tuition: $35 one time enrollment fee, $85 yearly fee with discounts offered for early enrollment, $20 coordinator fee, Teacher/Student ID cards $1.00 each. Services: Curriculum consultation with ordering help when requested, (books not provided); lesson plan books; monthly newsletters; field trips; workshops; Mom's Night Out - monthly; tutoring classes available (with extra charge); transcripts; needed forms provided; Stanford or Iowa Basic Skills testing available as requested (extra charges apply); easy access to school personnel by phone, email, or fax; diagnostic and/or vocational consultations available; work permits; diplomas (at cost); kindergarten diplomas (at cost); graduation with cap and gown (charge for expenses); library and resource center; driver's education resources; various clubs available; Nationally recognized programs such as National Spelling Bee, Book It!, Scholastic Books; local support group; network of area families, websites for school and support group available; legal covering; filing of church school enrollment form, school records and transcripts with proper authorities; among other services provided. Contemporary Education Academy 10145 Dunbarton Dr., Suite 2 Huntsville, AL 35803-1268 Phone: (256) 650-1507 Contact: Dr. Jeff Cerny, Administrator Cell Phone: (256)653-2593 E-mail: SUPPORT@2HOMESCHOOL.ORG Web Site: http://www.2homeschool.org Fax: (256) 650-1508 Requirements: Open to all (all year) with the understanding that the school is a ministry of Covenant of Peace Church, Huntsville, AL. Attendance Reporting Parents or guardians are totally responsible for family education Tuition: $60 PER YEAR PER FAMILY Services: Online networking, optional SAT testing, low overhead, prayer requests Cornerstone Christian School 305 County Park Rd., Scottsboro, AL 35768 Phone: (256) 259-2329 Contact: Leigh Ann Pierce E-mail: cornerstone@scottsboro.org Covenant Christian Academy 7900 Bailey Cove Rd. Huntsville, AL 35802 Phone: (256) 882-3668 Contact: Sylvia Devine, director Requirements: Must sign a statement of faith and be active in a Christian church. Covenant Academy 3701 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, AL 36109 Phone: (334) 273-7888 Contact: Lynda Coats, Administrator E-mail: CAmember00@aol.com Fax: (334) 273-7888 Requirements: Admissions: Commitment to do a good job (demonstrated through personal interview and/or prior preparation), all forms completed and submitted; records from previous school or request for them. Membership: Orientation meeting at beginning of school year (held in most local areas or personal interview with coordinator if starting mid-year; attendance reports quarterly; a total of 160 days of classes which may be spread over 12 months; grade or progress reports at the end of each school year; one credit in Bible required for graduation We do not require HSLDA, church membership, or a statement of faith. Tuition: $85 per year per family; $35 one time enrollment fee; $15 for coordinator per year; $10 for print newsletter (e-mailed for free Services: Coordinators in every area with five or more families; transcripts; report card forms; monthly newsletter; field trips, classes, and other activities in many areas (extra charges for some); easy access by phone, e-mail, or fax; curriculum consultation and/or ordering help as requested (we do not provide or pay for books); Stanford or Iowa Basic Skills testing as requested (extra charge); diagnostic and/or vocational placement testing by appointment (extra charge); work permits; accredited high school diplomas (at cost); kindergarten diplomas (at cost); graduation with cap and gown (charge for expenses); FAST TRACK for those who need a diploma in a hurry, library and video resource center; driver's education program (extra charge). National Honor Society, annual spelling bee, science and history fair, speech and essay contests, new this year: Beta Club, Key Club, yearbook. We want to be your partners in providing the best education for your children. Cropwell Christian Academy P.O. Box 30 Cropwell, AL 35054 Phone: (205)472-3087 Office hours (for phone contact): 8AM- 8PM Contacts: Andy White, Administrator; Sonya Bowman, Director E-mail: Cropwellacademy@aol.com Requirements: Open to all of Alabama. Application for enrollment, Pastor recommendation, HSLDA Membership, attendance of mandatory quarterly meeting, one parent or caretaker must attend all group functions with the child, 1st & 2nd year homeschool families must submit list of curriculum, 1st year homeschoolers must submit lesson plans. Parents may choose their own curriculum and decide what is best suited for their child's needs. Attendance records must be kept. 160 instructional days and up to 20 educational support days. Statement of Faith required. Tuition: $50 tuition per family per year for non members of Cropwell Baptist Church $20 per year per family for church members. Services: Optional co-op program available for minimal per class cost generally ($1-$10). Mission Statement: The purpose of this homeschooling ministry is to provide an organization that will function as a support group for its members and for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Crossroads Christian School Phone: (205)640-5698 Administrator: Debbie Landry (205) 338-2599 E-mail: Ron.landry@juno.com Website: http://www.crossroadschristian.us/ C.S. Lewis Christian School 408 26th St. North Pell City, AL 35125 Phone: (205) 405-1420 E-mail: cslewiscs@yahoo.com Website: www.geocities.com/cslewiscs Cullman Christian School PO Box 1204 Cullman AL 35056 Phone: (256) 739-0505 Contact: Allison Siegenthaler Website: http://www.cullmanchristian.org We are a K-12 independent Christian school which offers a cooperative program for homeschoolers. Dayspring Christian Academy Verbena, AL Phone: (205) 755-8112 Contact: Donna Knox E-mail: dayspringacademy@worldnet.att.net Website: http://www.dsacademy.org Requirements: Church school enrollment form to county, attendance of 140 days reported in Jan and June, grades for a transcript reported Jan and June also. Statement of faith or HSLDA membership not required. Tuition: $75 a year for each family. Seniors will have added costs for diplomas. Services: Legal covering, curriculum counseling, transcripts, diplomas,newsletter, field trips, co-op classes,parent seminars. Decatur Presbyterian Christian School 2306 Modous Rd SW Decatur, AL 35603 Phone: 351-6010 (Church) Contact: Jan Fincher - 350-4268 Must be member of this church. Eden Academy 12379 Mickey Surwic Rd. Brookwood, Al.35444 Phone: (205)556-1571 Contact: Christie Bunn, Administrator E-mail: www.Eden_Academy_Homeschool@yahoo.com Website: www.EdenAcademyHomeschool.bravehost.com Requirements: Enrollment package must be completed and turned in before we can enroll your child. Enrollment Is available statewide in Alabama. Parents can use any curriculum they prefer. We recomend standardized testing (SAT) but it is not required. (Standardized testing (SAT), GED fees are extra.) Families ARE required to complete and turn in all admission forms before their student will be enrolled. Attendance forms and report cards are required to be turned in each semester. NO Statement of Faith is required. HSLDA NOT required, but recommended. Tuition: NO TUITION FEES. Annual registration fee of $50.00 per family, due upon enrollment. Services: Transcripts, homeschool organizational advice, curriculum consultation, special needs students are welcome, social interaction with other students, field trips offered, but not required, monthly newsletter (FREE online, $10.00per year if mailed), optional class group projects (FREE, excluding supplies), borrowers library, graduation prepairdness, dual enrollment, optional holiday parties, 4-H(coming soon), yearbooks/scrapbooks (pending interest), class rings, graduation ceremonies (fees extra), summer used curriculum book sales, Electronic updates on calendar/events, we supply attendance, report card, schedule, curriculum list forms. Ideas from families to enrich our children's school life are always welcome, contact the school administrator. Eden Academy is a non-denominational church school~~~~an affiliate of Lamplighter's Church, Brookwood Alabama We at Eden Academy believe that all parents should have the opportunity to homeschool their children regardless of religion/beliefs, financial standing, race, sex, or handicap. It is our mission to help provide a legal church school, to help give you those opportunities. We have families enrolled in Eden Academy from Tuscaloosa and Chilton counties at this time. We accept enrollment statewide. All of the staff at Eden Academy are volunteers and are not paid any salary. Registration fees are used to cover expenses of correspondence, ink, paper, stamps, etc. Evangel Christian School P.O. Box 1670, Alabaster, AL 35007 Phone: (205) 706-2595 Fax: (205) 621-4364 Contact: Bill Snuggs, Administrator E-mail: http://www.evangelhomeschool.org Tuition: Registration Fee: $175, Tuition: $35/month (9 months); Early Payment Options Available Requirements: Subscribe to Statement of Faith and submit to Authority Structure of School as established by Evangel Church, PCA and governed by School Board Services: -Early Career Direction and opportunities through mentoring and internship programs -Facilities to promote extracurricular activities -Athletics at the highest level allowed -Increased potential for scholarships *HomeSchooling to Transform the Culture for Christ* Everest Academy Central Alabama (Birmingham area) Phone: (205) 674-6030 Contact: Deb Spradlin, Administrator E-mail: debbido4@charter.net Website: http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Everest Excalibur Home Schools 107 Kannon Drive, Madison, AL 35758 Phone: (256-325-2663 Contact: Larry and Kathy Bond E-mail: excalibur@knology.net Website: http://www.excaliburhs.org Faith Academy of Ridgecrest Baptist Church 912 31st St Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Phone: (205) 556-9404 E-mail: info@faithacademy.net Website: http://www.faithacademy.net Faith Christian Academy PO Box 462 Alexander City, Al 35011 Phone: (205)234-3581 E-mail: ftchurch@webshoppe.net Faith Community Christian School Trussville, AL Contacts: Robin Greer (205) 482-4460 and Melissa Jordan (205) 616-7947, Administrators E-mail: melissafccs@gmail.com Faith Covenant Academy 2302 Starmount Circle SW Huntsville, AL 35802 Phone: (256) 536-5683 Contact: Mike Maze, Principal Faith Presbyterian Christian School P.O. Box 950 Robertsdale, AL 36567 Phone: (334) 947-5012 Contacts: Dr. Steve Cloud, Administrator (at school) Laura Metz, Home School Coordinator(at home) Laura Phone: (334) 962-3582 E-mail: metzjjr@gulftel.com Requirements: Acceptance into the program according to the policy and handbook .... will be mailed for previewing by request)... quarterly progress reports, yearly standardized testing required, all work will be reviewed at the end of the year, attendance records, curriculum proposals Services: Legal covering, monthly newsletter, field trips, the option to participate in the sports programs, all facilities and classes are available to our home schooled students as well as our day school students, a diploma and transcript that doesn't differentiate between day and home school students unless otherwise requested, support in all areas of home schooling including assistance in locating items and/or people to help you as you educate your children, a Home School Coordinator whose purpose is to support and provide assistance to the home school students and their families Statement: Although the laws of Alabama require mild monitoring of homeschool families, we in no way hinder what you choose to do with them. We strongly believe that the education of your child is your decision. At the same time, as laws become more strict, we want all the work that you do to be accepted and appreciated by all that evaluate it in the future. Therefore, our participation with you in the educational process of educating your children is for the benefit of them and not the hinderance. If at any time this causes a problem, we are open to discussing it and coming to a resolution. We do not want to hinder the responsibility God has placed on you to educate your children. Faith Tabernacle Academy 3601 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35634 Phone: (256) 767-4382 Contact: Fannie Mae Box E-mail: fta@ftchurch.com Website: http://www.ftchurch.com Forest Hill Christian School 20 Kirby St. Mobile, AL 36607 Phone: (334)479-2434 Contact: Chris & Pam Rowe, Administrators E-mail: CrowesNestx5@cs.com Website: http://ourworld-top.cs.com/foresthillcs Freedom Academy 26449 Salem-Minor Hill Rd. Lester, AL 35647 Phone: (256) 732-2278 Office hours: 9am-4pm Tues -Fri After hours contact Mary Jo Ramsey (coordinator) (256) 233-0974 Contact: Rev. K.Williams, Administrator E-mail: finworkmin@netzero.net Web Site: http://www.finishedwork.com Requirements: 160 days minimum attendance required. 2 progress-attendance reports per year. Tuition: $100 per year for entire family. Services: Statewide coverage. Lots of field trips, activities, etc. High school diploma, dual enrollment, college scholorship program. Annual SAT's. Support group. Mission Statement: Christian, Inclusive, inter-denominational. Statement of Faith: Not required. HSLDA: HSLDA recommended but not required. Gateway Academy 3300 Bell Road Montgomery, AL 36116-1345 Phone: (334) 272-9494 Fax: (334) 272-9511 Contact: Leisa Larkin, Administrator Phone: (334) 569-0045 E-mail: leisall112@aol.com Web Site: http://members.aol.com/LeisaLL112/index.html Requirements: Monthly attendance reports, lesson plan or journal, yearly orientation meeting, transcript submitted each semester We do not require HSLDA membership or statement of faith. Tuition: $50 per year per family Services: Legal covering, newsletter, activites, field trips, support meetings, transcript form, graduation ceremony, diploma, optional classes meeting once weekly with the purpose of providing help with high school level courses (ie. this year we offered Algebra 2, physics & chemistry with labs, plus others). Good Shepherd Academy 5851 Plantation Rd Theodore, AL 36582 (near Mobile) Phone: (334) 653-8579 E-mail: Pseabrook@aol.com Campus and Homeschooling programs, using ACE. Good Shephard Homeschool 1480 Center Point Parkway Birmingham, AL 35215 Phone: (205) 278-8343 Contact: Anne Boyd E-mail: goodshepardhomeschool@hotmail.com Website: http://goodshepherdhomeschool.org/default.aspx Grace Bible Church School P O Box 8165 Gadsden, AL 35902 Phone: (256) 442-7186 Contact: Laetitia Hutchinson E-mail: BTAAHMA7@aol.com Requirements: Statement of Faith. HSLDA membership. Quarterly Reports/Meetings with Coordinator Services: Field trips, optional classes, resource library and optional clubs (key club, cheerleading squad) Grace Presbyterian PO Box 1086 Fort Payne, AL 35967 Phone: (256) 845-6986 Contact: Beverly Stewart, Coordinator Gordon Lewis, Administrator (and pastor) Haleyville Christian School PO Box 622 Haleyville, AL 35565 Phone: (205) 486-3480 Harvest Church School P.O.Box 8744, Dothan, AL 36303 Phone: (334) 677-1608 Contact: Libi Taylor E-mail: libi@churchserve.com Harvest Homeschool 520 Golden Springs Rd. Anniston, AL 36207 Phone: (256) 832-3843 Contact: Laura or Mark Serrano E-mail: Kidneygirl6@hotmail.com Heritage Academy 1401 Montgomery Highway Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 Phone: (205) 655-4886 Contact: Gilbert F. Douglas, III E-mail: ke4nrl@bellsouth.net Website: http://www.theheritageconnection.com Heritage Academy of Fyffe Alabama PO BOX 194 Fyffe, AL 35971 Contact: Tracie Wilkins Phone: (256)638-8710 E-mail: Jwilkins87@farmerstel.com Website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Heritage_Academy_of_Fyffe Holy Spirit Academy Montgomery, AL 36117 Contact: Joanie Armstrong, Administrator E-mail: brettarmyof7@msn.com Fees: $35.00 a year per family We are a Catholic group but welcome other denominations. Homeland Christian School 600 Main Street #204 Gardendale, AL 35071 or PO box 481 Warrior, Alabama 35180 Phone: 590-1357 after 1pm or cell 608-0987 Contacts: Steve and Debbie McKeever E-mail: homelandeagles@hotmail.com Hope Academy Homeschool P.O. Box 1303 Lanett, AL 36863 Phone: (334) 644-HOME Contact: Eva Rackow E-mail: pastoreva@hopeacademyhomeschool.org or thefathershouseministries@hotmail.com Website: http://www.hopeacademyhomeschool.org Hope Christian School P.O. BOX 563 Alabaster, Alabama 35007-0563 Phone: (205) 664-2232 Fax: (205) 663-0287 Contacts: Wayne and Connie Atchison, Administrators E-mail: hopecs@bellsouth.net Other Contact: Dawn Burchfield (Executive Administrative Assistant) Web Site: http://www.hopecs.net Mission Statement: Support Christian Families in Home Education Requirements: Statement of Faith, Religious Teachings, meetings three times a year, 4 reports year/ 2 semester reports, active participation in a local church, and to be home during school hours. HSLDA membership recomended but not required. Tuition: (Per family) $30 to join, $15 assoc. fee, $23 a month (Sep.-May) Services: Activities, field trips, support Group,library,resources, newsletter, records and transcripts provided, diploma plan, coordinators, full sports - football, basketball, baseball, soccer,etc. Huntsville Christian Academy 165 West Park Loop Huntsville, AL 35806 Phone: (256) 895-9550 Contact: Reggie Whiddon, director Required: Must use ACE curriculum. InnerLight Academy Lakeview, Alabama Phone: (205) 477-0825 Contact: Dena Anderson E-mail: innerlightacademy@yahoo.com Mission Statement: Unschoolers Statement of Faith: None HSLDA: Not required 365 days school year. Registration limited. Currently not taking new registrations. Islamic Academy of Huntsville 1645 Sparkman Drive Huntsville, Alabama 35816 Phone: (256) 722-9838 E-mail: islamicacademyofhuntsville@yahoo.com Contacts: Sakinah Graham, Homeschool Coordinator Fatma Abushagur, Principal Mission Statement of the Homeschool Program: to support Alabama homeschooling families Requirements: 1) Monthly attendance reports 2) Membership in the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) Tuition: $25 per family, monthly fee Services: Record keeping, Support group, Curriculum planning resources, Accelerated Reader Program, STAR Testing for reading comprehension, Standardized testing (optional) Jubilee Academy PO Box 100993 Irondale, AL 35210 Phone: (205) 951-3106 voice/fax (205) 956-2803 bulletin board E-mail: jubileeacademy@yahoo.com Website: http://jubileeministry.org/ja.html Liberty Home Church 331 Kirby Rd. Hillsboro, Al 35643 Phone: (256) 637-9322 Office hours: 9:am to 5:pm (central time) Contact: Twanna Brown, Administrator E-mail: libertyoutreachministries@hotmail.com Website: http://www.freewebs.com/liberty_outreach Tuition/Fees: $50.00 One Time Enrollment Fee (per family), $50.00 Yearly Registration Fee (per family) Requirements: Completed application package. Transcript from previous school (we will request records from former schools and forward to parents/guardians). Parents maintain records/transcripts. Grades and attendance turned in every 9 weeks. Pleasant attitude. Signed Statement of Faith, profession in the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep records of daily activities. Provide adult supervision during school hours. 170 days attendance. Bible credit required for graduation, which may be earned through church attendance and daily bible reading program or other biblical studies directed by parent. Liberty can help with this. Study plan must be submitted yearly. Progress reviews are due twice a year. Standardized testing every spring (recommended but not required by law). Lesson plan book must be kept. 9 week and semester grading forms. If you need help with ANY of these requirements please contact us as we may be able to help. Services: Yearly transcripts. Monthly newsletter. Field trips (coming soon). Monthly activities (coming soon). Used book sales (donation by Homeschool families). Administrator available for help with curriculum and other homeschooling problems and questions. Easy access by phone or e-mail. Electronic updates on calendar, events, insights, optional e-chats. Coordinators to help give support, choose curriculum, methods, and they are available to answer questions at any time through e-mail. Resources available through internet. Standardized testing Information (coming soon). Bible Studies online or for print. Group discount for HSLDA, if desired. Periodic topical Internet chats. Lesson plan booklets or sheets (downloadable or copy and print). Transcripts. Report card forms. Easy access by phone, e-mail, or fax. Diplomas & Kindergarten diplomas (at cost). Full or part time tutoring assistance (extra charge) (coming soon). Online newsletter is free/a postal newsletter is $10 per year. Curriculum information (coming soon). Local area get-togethers with others (coming soon). Online educational information. Support for unschooling and eclectic types schooling. Support group. Prayer partners. Statement of Faith: Required. Practicing Christian Faith HSLDA: Not required but prefered. We are members and give groups member discounts. Life Academy 4545 Rainbow Drive Rainbow City, AL 35906 Phone: (256) 413-3010 Contacts: Susan Strahan or Beth Porter, Administrators LifeChurch 5567 Chalkville Road Birmingham, AL 35235 Phone: (205) 853-7900 Contact: Kim Harris E-mail: kim@lifechurch.ws Web Site: http://www.lifechurch.ws Lionheart Christian Academy 518 Hatfield Lake Road Athens AL 35611 Phone: (256) 232-9146 Contact: Richard and Sheila Sparks E-mail: lionheartacad@bellsouth.net Web Site: http://lionheart.20m.com
Living Water Christian Academy P.O. Box 87 Bear Creek, AL 35543 Contact: Jenese Dye, Administrator Phone: (205) 485-3996 E-mail: lwca@tombigbee.com Website: http://www.livingwaterchristianacademy.org Requirements: No statement of faith. Must have an active email account. Families are required to meet with a LWCA staff member and submit a report each quarter. McCully Hill Christian School 2165 Bishop Ridge West Blocton, Al 35184 Phone: (205) 938-2101 Fax: (205) 938-3905 Contact: Martha Weed E-mail: Jimmymart1972@msn.com Website: http://www.mccullyhillchristianschool.com Tuition: starting as low as $25 a month per family Other Fees: cost of books from an approved curriculum ACEA fees: $40 a year in August Requirements: Students must complete assigned work from an approved curriculum, meet at scheduled monthly turn-in times to bring grades, work, tuition etc.... Students must maintain passing grades in order to stay enrolled at McCully Hill Christian School. Each student must "walk" at graduation in order to receive diploma. Services: Monthly newsletter, scheduled office hours, honor society for advanced students, on-staff math teacher, on-staff counselor, on-staff pastor, monthly activities, one big end of year trip, honor society trips, and "bus trips." Military I.D. number for acceptance to the military after completion of high school, members of ACEA and CHEF's. Standardized testing in the spring of every school year, a Jr./Sr. prom, and high-school graduation services. Mentor Academy An Outreach Home School of Christ Church United Methodist P.O. Box 361325 Birmingham, AL 35236 Phone: (205) 987-5315 Contact: Pete Smith, Administrator Fax: (205) 985-7129 E-mail: cpsmith@mentoracademy.org Unique Program: Mentor Academy's Unique Three Cornerstone Program 1. We recommend professionally prepared goal-directed computer or Internet multi-media curriculum. 2. We design and develop good, flexible curriculum and experiences that meet the parents and student's interests, college plans, and/or career-oriented, vocational ambitions. 3. We monitor student progress, guide and encourage the student's educational efforts, provide parental feedback, answer questions to reduce parent's anxieties about home schooling, all with 1-on-1, face-to-face mentoring sessions in the family home at regular intervals. This approach also frees the home school parent from some of the burden of instruction especially in the more complicated high school subjects such as Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, etc. Requirements: Middle and High School students only. Mentor Academy will consider all students including: gifted students, students with a strong passion for a particular field of study: science, music, carpentry, dentistry, etc. We also include students with some physical limitations, ADD or ADHD students, mildly "at risk" students and others. Coverage Area: Primarily Over-The-Mountain Jefferson County and North Shelby County. Extra charges for out of the Coverage Area Students. Tuition: $100 one time enrollment fee, $100 Initial Assessment Fee. Weekly in-home mentoring sessions: $1,450/semester, required for at least one semester with all new home school students. Every three week in-home mentoring sessions: $625 /semester. Curriculum costs depend on courses. Estimate: $200 per semester. Services: In addition to the in-home mentoring sessions: guidance assistance, limited tutoring, transcripts, legal covering, and filing of church school enrollment forms, school records and transcripts. Messianic Jewish Academy Phone: (334) 265-1856 Contact: Becky Davis Mt. Carmel Christian School PO Box 777 Sayre AL 35 or 1284 County Road 545 Hanceville AL Phone: (256) 352-2570 E-mail: originalteacher@wmconnect.com Covering all areas. Mt. Hope United Methodist Church School 561 Highway 93 Haleyville, AL 35565 Phone: (205) 485-8405 Contact: Janice Carroll E-mail: mt_hope_united_church_school@yahoo.com Narrow Way Christian Academy P.O.Box 143 Dawson,Alabama 35963 Phone: (256)659-5945 Fax: (256)659-5945 Contact: David & Rhonda Weathers, Administrators E-mail: narrowway@farmerstel.com Tuition: The school fee is $125.00 the first year and $100.00 for re-enrolling families each year after. Requirements: You must submit a progress report twice a year.They are due by January 20th and June 20th. Services: *A church cover necessary to comply with state law for compulsory attendance requirements defined in the Alabama codes *basic curriculum information *submits church school enrollment form to the local Board of Education on the behalf of the parents. *requests academic records from previous school *issues transcripts and diplomas when the proper requirements have been met and necessary info has been given by the parents to the administrator *available five days a week (Mon. thru Fri.) to answer any questions you may have *enrollment for grades K-12 *diplomas for kindergarten and eighth grade if parents wish to give them New Life Christian Academy P.O. Box 211012 Montgomery, AL 36121 Phone Number: (334)541-3556 or (334)201-3275 Saturday and Sunday Fax Number: (334)541-3556 Contact: Kent and Terry McKee, Directors Email contact: JubileeCurriculum@juno.com Coordinators: Terry McKee and Maria McKee Mission Statement: Support Home Education in Alabama Requirements: Orientation meeting at beginning of the year, four quarterly reports which include attendance records, and a journal is suggested or some form of recordkeeping. No enrollment with HSLDA required. No signed Statement of Faith required (however a statement of faith is provided for information only in the information packet for the school) Tuition: $25/year Per Family New Home Educators; $10 Re-Enrollment Services: Many thematic support group meetings and some speakers offered throughout the year,field trips regularly scheduled throughout the year, extensive resource library with books,games, etc., to check out, a newsletter: "Eclectic Home Schoolers of Alabama" - includes meeting/activity/field trip schedule, permanant records, High School transcripts and counseling, high school diploma provided, report Cards, curriculum help/suggestions/counseling, and legal coverage Other Information: Home schoolers from different church schools are invited to participate in our program called "The Masters' Touch" (upper and lower case M, God as Master and artists as masters of their trade) which is a chronologically arranged, all subjects tied together, unit study co-op program for homeschoolers based on my curriculum, "The JUBILEE! Curriculum." One day per week, homeschoolers (K-12) meet and do activities that are best suited for a group and include supplies (e.g., a full science lab, a car engine to rebuild, art materials, musical instruments, etc.) that are hard for one family to provide. The program includes Science, History, Music & Art (both instruction for skills & appreciation), and Drama. I'm adding several other electives like English, Math, Chemistry, Biology, etc. The high school courses include preparation for taking the SAT, ACT, CLEP, and AP test. I'm allowing groups all over the country to participate. I provide all the curriculum and books for the rest of the week and supplies, etc., for co-op day. I hire a director to organize the group in his or her area. The teachers are homeschoolers who receive tuition in exchange for their help. There are slots for helpers too. Please contact us if your are interested in joining our program or setting up one of your own! From our Statement of Faith: "We believe that parents are responsible for the rearing and education of their children before God and that no one has the right to take away that responsibility or control from a parent." New Life Christian School 2838 Ruffner Road Birmingham, AL 35235 Phone: (205) 838-1068 (church) Contact: Peggy Bedwell, Director Phone: (205) 699-4464 E-mail: pbedwell@juno.com Requirements: Must be member of New Life & recieve pastor approval. Mandatory initial meeting to start the year, daily journal of child's school work, attendance reports, require membership in HSLDA (or equivalent), one full-time parent in the home with a minimum of a G.E.D. or high school diploma. Tuition: $10 Registration & $20 monthly tuition per family (Sept-May Services: Legal covering, permanent records and transcripts, support, monthly field trips/activities, high school diploma program, and standardized testing available. North Alabama Christian School Phone: (256) 657-3380 Contact: Sandra Summerford E-mail: northalabamachristianschool@yahoo.net Web Site: http://www.northalabamachristianschool.net North Alabama Friends School 3322 Memorial Parkway SW Suite #232 Huntsville, AL 35801 Phone: (256) 650-0366 Contact: Caroline Lampert, Educational Director E-mail: 75051.2021@compuserve.com Web Site: http://www.nafshomeschool.com Requirements: Meet regularly with a coordinator, keep records of attendance and daily activities, and provide adult supervision between the hours of 8:00 and 3:00. Statement of faith or HSLDA membership not required. Tuition: $50 Enrollment Fee, then September - May payments Tuition depends on number of children: 1 child $40 2 children $50 3+ children $60 Services: Legal covering, school records/transcripts, a coordinator's support, a monthly newsletter highlighting activities and field trips, a high school diploma program, as well as the use of the Friends School resource library, science and math kits, teaching aids and optional yearly standardized testing. Oakley Station Christian School A Ministry of Old Union Baptist Church located in Bibb Co. in the Brierfield area on Oakley Station Rd. (Co. 33) just off of 139. Phone: 205-665-1814 Contacts: Connie Lawley Phone: (205) 665-1814 E-mail: pasogalinbama@aol.com Our Lady of Good Counsel (Serving Catholic home school families in the Birmingham area.) 6533 Bear Creek Road Sterrett, AL 35147 Phone: (205) 672-7947 Contacts: Bob and Barbara Whitworth, Administrators E-mail: BAH851@aol.com Requirements: Quarterly reports, yearly attendance report, and 4 faculty meetings per year. No statement of faith or HSLDA membership required. Tuition: NO Fees Services: Monthly newsletter, activities almost every Friday (includes one monthly field trip) Our Lady of Guadalupe P.O. Box 160186 Mobile, AL 36616 Phone: (251) 341-5154 Contacts: Todd & Angelle Sylvester E-mail: a_sylvester@comcast.net Outlook Academy P.O. Box 1027 Millbrook, AL 36054 Phone: (334) 285-0649 Contacts: Carren and Daniel Joye, Administrators E-mail: carren@onlineus.com Web Site: http://www.outlookacademy.org or http://www.outlookacademy.com Requirements: Annual membership fee per family with a child of compulsory age (7 to 16 years); One-time enrollment fee; Completed Church School Enrollment Form provided by Outlook Academy; Completed Admission Form provided by Outlook Academy; Membership in Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) or another pre- paid legal assistance program suggested but not required; Twice yearly attendance reports submitted via email or postal mail; and Internet access, with exceptions granted on an individual family basis. Tuition: $20 one-time enrollment fee upon submission of required forms; $250 annual membership fee per family with a child of compulsory age (7 to 16 years) due upon submission of required forms or by August 15 of each year (minus any discounts listed below). Discounts (These discounts are available to all home schooling families): 40% membership discount for families who live in Montgomery, Elmore and Autauga counties (resulting in a $150 fee if this discount is applied alone); 35% membership discount for families with email and Internet access (resulting in a $162.50 fee if this discount is applied alone); 75% membership discount if both of the above discounts apply (resulting in a $62.50 fee); and Waiver of all membership fees for families who are members of Tri-County Community Church. Other charges: $100 annual membership fee per family who wishes to use our services but does not have a child of compulsory age (Associate Membership). (Discounts may be applied.) Services: Outlook Academy uses today’s available technology to assist families in making the home schooling process as easy and efficient as possible. As a result, we offer services beyond the state regulations, and many of these services are Internet-based. These services include: Providing convenient web-based record-keeping of attendance to home schooling families; Maintaining a monthly email newsletter and a web site featuring news of home schooling interests, a network of member families, and a forum for home educators to connect with each other for information, support and encouragement; Offering a web-based family-school calendar and web-based family-school email, with email addresses for each individual parent and child; Supplying a packet of information on Outlook Academy and home schooling in general to each member family; Responding to inquiries from member families and people who are thinking about home schooling via email, phone, postal mail or in person; and Remaining abreast of any laws, regulations and legal issues that may pertain to home schooling in Alabama and disseminating this information to members. Oxford Christian School P.O. Box 7892 Oxford, AL 36203 Phone: (256) 835-5852 Contact: Steve and Renae Pruitt, Administrators Web Site: www.oxfordchristianschool.com E-mail: renaepruitt@oxfordchristianschool.com Parkway Christian School 9753 Parkway East Birmingham, AL 35215 Phone: (205) 836-8845 (church) Fax: (205) 836-8703 (church) Contact: Latisha Gaynus, Director E-mail: voc71@usa.net Requirements: Faculty meetings 4 times a year for new families and 3 times a year for returning families, standardized testing every spring, Bible is to be taught in all grades, daily journal of child's school work, attendance reports, being active in a local church, sign a statement of faith, require membership in HSLDA, and one full-time parent in the home with a minimum of a G.E.D. or high school diploma. Tuition: $20 Registration & $25 monthly tuition (Sept-May) Services: Legal covering, permanent records and transcripts, support, monthly field trips/activities, Mom's Night Out (quarterly), newsletter twice a year, high school diploma program, and standardized testing. Pathways Academy P. O. Box 5273 Glencoe, Alabama 35905-0273 Phone: (256)-494-1600 Contact: Tammy Jackson, Director E-mail: tams2@bellsouth.net Web Site: http://www.pathways-academy.org Requirements: Each family is responsible for selection of its own educational method and components of curriculum. All educational methods are considered equally valuable and viable. Attendance report required in accordance with Alabama state law. Length of school year suggested at 140 days. Tuition: First time registration fee of $35.00 per family. Tuition of $125 per year. Services: Legal covering for the satellite classroom. Filing of church school enrollment form, school records and transcripts. Coordination of achievement testing (at students' expense). Basic curriculum information. Recognition programs (include the National Spelling Bee, Book It, and Scholastic Books). Issues transcripts and graduation diplomas, according to stated requirements. Our Resource Center, located in Glencoe, AL is open on Thursdays from 12-4pm ONLY (excluding holidays, special homeschool events, and the months of June and December). Please remember that we are also homeschooling our own children, so please call or visit us only during these hours. Pinson Christian Academy (Open statewide - Located in Jefferson Co.) P.O. Box 129 Pinson, AL 35126 Phone: (205) 681-7013 Contacts: Vanessa Carlson E-mail: pinsonchristianacademy@yahoo.com Requirements: Open to Christian families only. Additional requirements are listed in application. Application provided upon request. Tuition: Registration $35.00 before Aug 1st, $55.00 after Aug 1st, $25.00 tuition monthly Praise Christian School 2633 Dawes Rd. Mobile, AL 36695 Phone: (251) 639-1959 or (251) 219-4460 Contact: Bonita L. Harris E-mail: bonitaharris@netzero.net Web Site: http://www.praisechristianschool.com Prince of Peace Schools 253 Ivy Place (Chaplains Office) Oxford, AL 36203 Phone: (256)831-9135 Fax: (866) 262-9491 Contact: Rev. Melissa F. McClellan, Admin/Chaplain E-mail: militanthousewife@cableone.net Web Site: debbiebarton@fbcdecatur.org Web Site: http://www.fbcdecatur.org Robinson Springs Academy 5980 Main St. Millbrook, AL 36043 Phone: (334) 328-7021 Contact: Renae Perry, administrator E-mail: http://www.rsum.org/rsa Rosewood Academy 1301 Rosewood Drive Maytown, AL 35118 (just west of Birmingham) Phone: (205) 786-2209 Contact: Vesta Bidwell E-mail: vbidwell@charter.net Requirements: Send enrollment form to county/city BOE, submit attendance record at end of year, 140 days required. Tuition: Enrollment fee $65 per family each year. Services: Local support group, phone contact, diplomas, graduation ceremony, transcripts, field trips, co-op organized by parents. Sacred Grove Academy P.O. Box 186 Auburn, AL 36831 Phone: (334) 821-4683 Contact: Linda Kerr E-mail: homeschool@sacredgroveacademy.org Web Site: http://www.sacredgroveacademy.org Requirements: Sacred Grove Academy exists to serve Pagan families in Alabama who want to homeschool their children. We require no statement of faith nor church membership. Tuition: $50 per year per family, plus a one-time enrollment fee of $25 per child. Shelby Fellowship Academy Phone: (205)420-8135 Contact: Paul Lambert E-mail: mrslamb@southtek.com Web Site: http://www.shelbyfellowshipacademy.org Requirements: Shelby Fellowship Academy only requires what the state requires of Alabama homeschoolers. Enrollment with our school requires a $40.00 peryear/per family enrollment fee and a completed enrollment packet. HSLDA is optional, but recommended. Services: A ministry of Shelby New Testament Fellowship, Shelby Fellowship Academy offers an affordable homeschooling option for Alabama homeschooling families. Tuition: $40 per year per family Mission Statement: Shelby New Testament Fellowship Academy is set up for families who need a cover school and wish to follow the state's requirements for homeschooling, without unnecessary, additional burdens placed upon them. SMIC Academy 2281 Old Tyler Road, Hoover, AL 35226 Phone: (205) 978-9153 E-mail: darcyterry@juno.com Web Site: http://www.smicacademy.org Southcrest Christian School 4317 South Shades Crest Road Bessemer, Al 35022 Phone: (205) 425-5705 Directors: Tim and Donna McDow E-mail contact: TMacs6@aol.com Mission Statement available upon request. Requirements: Statement of faith, membership in HSLDA if mandatory school age, grading period grades required, and 3 meetings required each year. Tuition: Application - $10, Registration - $25 (Both one time per family) Tuition $180 per year (payable monthly) Services: Legal coverage, activities, field trips, support group, resource center with materials to check out, records and transcripts, diploma plan, help with curriculum plans when needed, monthly newsletter, and co-op classes. Trinity United Methodist Church 800 2nd Ave. Opelika, AL Contact: J. Spano E-mail: Spanojs@vetmed.auburn.edu Must be a member of the church. Truth and Freedom Home School Academy 62 Livingstone Lane Decatur, AL 35603 Phone: (256) 303-7184 Office hours (for phone contact): Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm E-mail: webmaster@truthandfreedomacademy.org Web Site: http://www.truthandfreedomacademy.org Tuition: Our registration fee is $80 per family per year. Enrollment area: North Alabama / Statewide United Christian Academy P.O. Box 393 Scottsboro, AL 35768 Phone: (256) 259-5560 E-mail: uc_academy@yahoo.com Requirements, tuition, and services can be found on our website at: http://ucacademy.tripod.com Valhermoso Christian School P.O. Box 26 Valhermoso Spring’s, AL 35775 Telephone: (256) 778-8864 Fax: (256) 778-8864 Contact: Patricia Lang, Administrator Email: eplang@bellsouth.net Tuition: $25.00 registration fee + $100.00 yearly tuition fee There are extra charges for some provisions Requirements: Signed Statement of Cooperation, Keep records of daily attendance and daily activities, Submit two semester attendance records that will be provided for parents, Submit Course of Study Plan that will be provided for parents. Services: School records / transcripts, Coordinator support, Monthly newsletter highlighting activities and fieldtrips, Curriculum help / suggestions / counseling, Drivers license forms, SAT Testing (for high school students), CAT Testing (for elementary and JR. High students), Report Cards provided for parents, High School diploma provided, Graduation Ceremony, Grade Promotion Ceremony, Science Club (which meets monthly), Christian Character Class (which meets monthly), First Aid and Personal Health Class (which meets monthly), Behavior, Manners, and Etiquette Class (which meets monthly), Community Service Program (which meets monthly), 4-H Club information, regular meetings, School Photographs, Holiday Parties, Monthly Mom’s Morning Out Meeting for Children, One monthly field trip for school, and several through out year with classes, Thanksgiving Dinner Fellowship, Christmas Play, Prayer Support Valleydale Academy 2408 Valleydale Road Birmingham, Al. 35244 Phone: (205) 987-6286 Fax: (205) 987-9180 Contact: Susan Hubbard (205) 987-6286 E-mail: valleydaleacademy@yahoo.com Web Site: http://school.al.com/school/Valleydale VAST Network PO Box 8391 Huntsville, AL 35808 Phone: (256) 829-1074 Contact: Christie Berry, director E-mail Contact: cberry@iol-12.net Web Site: http://www.vastnetwork.org We are a network of independent educators, homeschooling parents and professionals working together to provide alternative education opportunities for children with varied abilities. We offer help and education for families of children with unique educational needs through access to curriculum, information about laws, and help with other specific educational concerns. We train parents and students to be advocates for educational excellence in all settings. Our school is a multi-cultural, multi-ability, multi-faith homeschool covering. VAST Network helps families meet the needs of children in private or home school through the many services that we provide our members. Our membership programs are a Services Membership provided primarily for families whose children are already enrolled in a private or home school and School Enrollment which provides a homeschool covering for families that have chosen to homeschool. Some of our services include resource centers, training workshops, help with modificaiton and development of curriculum, access to discounted special services such as tutoring, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy consultations. We also provide a mentoring program and support network for new homeschoolers. We are sponsored by OneFaith Ministries. Veritas Christian Academy PO Box 4552, Huntsville, AL 35815 Phone: (256) 216-0783 or (256) 337-1813 Contact: S. A. Crooks E-mail: dsafford@comcast.net The Way Home Christian School (state-wide organization based in north Alabama) 2462 Lawrence Cove Road Eva, AL 35621 Phone: (256) 482-2801 Contact: Stuart and Martha Whitney, Directors E-mail: thewayhome@viafamily.com Web Site: http://www.thewayhome.info Coordinators: Contact the Whitney's for area coordinators. Requirements: Signed Statement of Cooperation required which includes a profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, religious teachings: Bible credit required for graduation, at least one mandatory meeting per year, and progress reviews due twice a year. HSLDA membership not required Tuition: One time registration fee for first time families:$25 Enrollment fee: $125 annually Beginning with fourth year, annual fee reduced to $100 (Payment plan available Services: Legal coverage, activities and field trips offered (amount varies based on support group area), resources are available (varies based on area support group), monthly newsletter, records and transcripts, coordinators help and support, diploma plan, and prayer support. Weatherly Road Christian Academy Phone: (256) 880-9402 Contact: John and June Romeo Required: Must be a member of Weatherly Road Christian Church. Whitesburg Baptist 6806 Whitesburg Dr. Huntsville, AL 35802 Phone: (256) 883-0311 Contact: Susan Harris Required: Must be active in your church. Woodland West Christian School PO Box 190 Adamsville, AL 35005 Phone: (205) 674-8699